Used Car Dealership: Buy Used Cars By Owner, Used Car Price- Auction Export

How to buy used cars in USA at the lowest price?

If you wish to buy used cars in USA, then all you need to do is to take part in ‘GoLive Realtime Bidding’. This bidding procedure is simple and feasible for all Nigerians looking to buy & export a car from the US.

The process of participation is very simple. Once you go to the site, you will be thoroughly instructed (along with labels & flow charts) about the various keys and other info. There are cars which are available for display along with the information about the bidding process & timings. By clicking on the place labeled as ‘A’, you can take a look at the cars which are currently on sale i.e. the ones which are open for bidding. The label marked as ‘B’ gives you information about the Auction Export Dealer Number. At label ‘C’ you can find out the limit up to which you can bid. This is directly dependent on your deposit amount. For placing your bid for cars for sale in USA, you will have to click on a small blue box which is labeled as ‘D’. Alternatively, you can make use of the automatic bidding process (‘E’) wherein the in-built system bids for you based on your maximum amount.

There is also an option ‘F’ which will come into effect if your bid is the highest but below the reserve price. In such a scenario, you may be approved of the sale or the seller may make a counter-offer. Option ‘G’ allows you to inspect the full history of bids. The final label marked as ‘H’ gives you the chance to go through the details about the used American cars for export, and to check the Auction Fee Calculator.

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