Used 2014 Volkswagen Jetta Cars for Sale | Export 2014 Volkswagen Jetta Car from USA

Great ride quality, spacious interiors, large trunk, outstanding performance and good fuel efficiency; these are the qualities that define the 2014 Volkswagen Jetta. With the launch of Jetta in 2011, Volkswagen planned to enter the small and affordable sedan market. The vehicle was a commercial success with the sales hitting new heights but the vehicle needed some redesigning. With hard plastic dashboard, basic amenities, inferior brakes, and not so great rear suspensions that needed a change, the company launched a refined 2014 Volkswagen Jetta.

To Volkswagen’s credit, it worked on all the shortcomings of the vehicle and came out with an upgraded version that even the critics liked a lot. The new turbo charge 1.8L engine was also superior to the earlier 4 cylinder engine. It improved the overall ride quality and fuel economy of the vehicle.

The 2014 Volkswagen Jetta comes with fine interiors that give a restrained class to the vehicle. The simple, straightforward gadgets give the Jetta a no-nonsense layout for the controls. Some of the models also have a very soft touch dashboard to give a more refined feel to the cabin. The interior space of the Jetta more than covers up for all the small negatives that it may have. The backseat is large enough for adults to ride comfortably, unlike some of the other vehicles of this category. The trunk space is also the largest in this category.

One of the factors that Volkswagen has not changed in the Jetta over the years is the solid feel on the road and the smooth ride quality even on rough terrain. If this is what you are looking for in your vehicle along with spaciousness then check out for used 2014 Volkswagen Jetta. Simply register and start bidding the price that you want to pay for the vehicle of your choice.

2010 Used 2014 Volkswagen Jetta for Sale, 2011 Used 2014 Volkswagen Jetta for Sale in Ghana/Nigeria, Export 2012 Used 2014 Volkswagen Jetta from USA to Ghana/Nigeria, 2013 Used 2014 Volkswagen Jetta in Online Auction, Price of Used 2014 2014 Volkswagen Jetta cars in USA

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