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Ways to choose the optimal size and type of engine for a used car: diesel, gasoline or hybrid?

When buying a used car, one of the decisive criteria is the choice of engine type. With the growing popularity of hybrid and electric models, the choice becomes even more difficult.

When choosing between these types of engines, it is important to consider personal needs and operating conditions. Additionally, additional research and professional consultation is recommended to make the best choice for you and your wallet. Read more here >>


Take a full advantage of AuctionExport services!

Auction Export helps to find and purchase cars for customers from over 120 countries.

Our company made it the main advantage that there’s absolutely no need for you to go abroad, to check everything on your own and put yourself through a stressful deal-searching and closing process.
Get access to over 250 000 vehicles from North America’s auto market.-


What's the advantage of participating in auctions?

There is no better option to try and influence a vehicle’s price than an auction!

AuctionExport offers three ways on how you can participate in the bidding process - you can bid a) by yourself from the comfort of your desktop, b) over the phone with our Sales agent or c) just leave us your max bid on the car page so we could bid on your behalf and inform you afterwards.

Choose the one that suits you the most -

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Climatic conditions determine the choice of car: a study of the blog reveals key aspects

When choosing a car, many factors are taken into account: cost, economy, safety. But one of the factors that are not always taken into account are climatic conditions. A new blog post looks at exactly this aspect, highlighting that climate plays a key role in choosing a car.

Different climatic zones create different requirements for car characteristics. For example, in regions with changeable winters and heavy precipitation, the demand for cars with long mileage and excellent safety systems is increasing. At the same time, in hot areas where air conditioning and cooling systems are highly important, cars with an efficient air conditioning system are becoming desirable.

The article urges drivers to pay attention to the local climate and make their car choices wisely, taking into account all possible aspects, including those related to weather conditions.
Read more at the link:


Why is it better to entrust the deal to AuctionExport than to buy a car directly from a dealer: we understand the details

What is the advantage of using AuctionExport?

By entrusting your transaction to AuctionExport, you get access to a wider selection, professional support and save time and money. Read more about the benefits of cooperation with AuctionExport in our telegram channel, where there is always a lot of interesting and useful content for car enthusiasts. Follow the link and subscribe today! >> AuctionExportTelegram

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