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Effective modifications that increase the value of a used car

How to increase the value of your used car. An effective solution is restoration and modification, which can significantly increase the appeal of your vehicle.

One of the key aspects is the repair of external defects such as scratches, dents and body paint. In addition, updating the interior, including cleaning the interior, replacing a worn seat or updating the dashboard, can add a sense of newness and comfort.

Making effective modifications can significantly increase the value of your used car.
More here>>


Get a Quote for Shipping

AuctionExport helps to arrange shipping to almost any destination in the world. Approximate time of delivery is 45-60 days

The shipping price depends on different factors, such us: car's location, size, weight, condition. On each car's page you can find the Shipping Calculator that will facilitate you to get estimated cost of delivery.

In the Calculator you can get a price for Ground delivery between states in the USA or Canada and ocean shipping price from the port in the USA to the port of your country. 

If you have selected a car you're interested to purchase, we recommend to contact our Shipping Department via email to get exact cost of transportation. Simply specify the LINK or LOT# or VIN# and port of destination and request a quote by email. 


Expert used car valuation: the key to a successful online purchase

This week there is a new article dedicated to the process of estimating the value of used cars online. For those who plan to buy a car online.

One of the main challenges when buying a car online is determining its true value. Oftentimes, various factors such as vehicle condition, mileage, service history, and regional price differences can make this task extremely difficult. The article offers practical tips and tools to determine the true value of a car, helping buyers to avoid overpaying or getting an undervalued car.

With the new information provided, buyers will be able to make an informed decision when buying a car online, reducing the risk of getting the wrong vehicle.


RORO Shipping vs Container Shipping. What's the Difference?

We offer two types of ocean transportation: RoRo and Container.

What is RORO? Mostly known as the roll-on/roll-off shipping method, that means that your car will be driven inside the ship. For a vehicle to be shipped by RORO, it has to be a) in run&drive condition and without extensive damages. RORO method is one of the cheapest ways of shipping.

What is Container shipping? Container shipping means that your car will be loaded inside 20 feet or 40 feet container, and the container will be sealed. We can ship any vehicle, in any condition, by container. This method is one of the safest methods  of ocean transportation.

For more information, follow the link -

You can also watch Live Webinar from our experts -

If you have any questions please email


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