Used Hyndai Equas Cars for Sale Ghana/Nigeria | Export Hyndai Equas Car from USA to Ghana/Nigeria

Used Hyundai Equus

About Hyundai Equus

The Equus is the most expensive sedan from Hyundai. This four door full size limousine that derives its name for Latin for horse. Launched in 1999 the first generation of Equus was in production till 2009. Currently in its second generation, Hyundai plans to rebrand the Equus as Genesis brand which is proposed to be the luxury vehicle division of Hyundai. It will be rebranded as G90.

The Equus, right from its first generation had all the features that a customer would expect from a luxury car. Both on the technology front and the design front, the car remained unmatched.

Advantages of buying a used Hyundai Equus

Given the price of the Equus, it seems out of reach for the common man. So, if you wish to fulfill a dream of a luxury car a used Hyundai Equus is the easy solution. You will get your favorite color and version of the used Hyundai Equus at your price and also save on insurance.

Where to buy a used Hyundai Equus?

If you live in Nigeria, you can order a used Hyundai Equus from USA. At AuctionExport, you have a large range of pre-owned cars to choose from. The site is a trusted name in North American as far as buying and selling used cars is concerned.

The process starts with creating an account and registering yourself. This makes you eligible to bid for the available cars. Once your bid is accepted and the deal completed, leave the rest to the website. They will take care of all the other logistics requirements and ensure that the car reaches you at the pre-decided port in Nigeria on the notified date. In case of doubts, you can contact them and they will respond to all your queries.

2011 Used Hyndai Equas for Sale in Ghana/Nigeria, Export 2012 Used Hyndai Equas from USA to Nigeria/Ghana, 2013 Used Hyndai Equas in Online Auction, Price of used 2014 Hyndai Equas cars in USA, 2015 Used Hyndai Equas for Export from USA

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