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Panama Canal Reconstruction Is Not Over

Panama Canal Reconstruction Is Not Over

T​he next in queue for expansion is the Corozal Container Terminal. The Panama Canal Authority has recently announced the Request For Proposals ​to develop the Pacific Entrance of the Panama Canal. The project will include the construction, financing and design of the terminal. The competition now is among 4 pre-qualified operators from different countries,​ and one of them will get a right to handle it after. Terminal's capacity was estimated as 5 million TEUs a year.

The Corosal Terminal reconstruction will include more than 2 km linear dock and 120 ha. area with port facilities, warehouse and container yard.

Project competitors have time until February 3 to present their proposals.


NYK launches new RORO service to Intra-Asia

Due to the growing economic development in Vietnam, Japanese shipping company NYK line decided to implement a twice-monthly RORO service connecting Hai Phong, Vietnam and Laem Chabang, Thailand. It is assumed that the new car transport service will improve NYK line's position in the current shipping market, including recent report about company's biggest loss for the past time.


East Coast Ports reopen after Hurricane Matthew

East Coast Ports reopen after Hurricane Matthew

After going through Hurricane Matthew, ports in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida are getting back to normal operation conditions.

Ports of Wilmington and Morehead City  in North Carolina and Wando Welch and North Charleston Terminals in South Carolina will resume normal hours at all facilities today, October 10.

As per the Georgia Ports Authority, the control was restored to Colonel’s Island Terminal, Mayor’s Point, Logistec in Brunswick, and Garden City, Ocean Terminals in Savannah.  The Coast Guard is evaluating the Savannah river channel and vessels are expected to be allowed to transit from the Monday morning, October 10. Moreover, container operations in the Garden City Terminal will start on this evening, with gate operation starting Tuesday morning, October 11.

Furthermore Florida’s Port Authority set up some temporal operation restrictions at Jacksonville and Fernandina terminals: all vessels over 300 TEU can not transit until full evaluation of the channel has been completed and the port considered to be safe for transit.

On October 9 hurricane was decreased to tropical storm after it started to go to the Atlantic. Nevertheless it is still reaching maximum winds of 75 miles per hour.


Due to Hurricane Matthew there might be some shipping delays

Dear clients,

Please be advised that due to Hurricane Matthew there might be some shipping delays. Currently Ports out of the East Coast are closing based on Hurricane Matthew's approach. Florida has been declared on state of emergency and Georgia has closed down its operations. We are working on keeping your vehicle's secure. For more information or details please contact


Savannah and Miami warehouses are temporarily closed

Please be advised Savannah and Miami warehouses are temporarily closed as a safety precaution and as a result of state government evacuation orders in the light of Hurricane Matthew.

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