  • 在线更新运送过程状态
  • 陆地运送包括全额保险(海上运送保险费另计)
  • 加拿大和美国用户专用通道
  • 实时聊天帮助
  • 拍卖出口全天可连接
1 步骤:注册
2 步骤:存款
3 步骤:购买 (求购)过程
4 步骤: 付款
5 步骤: 交通和运输
Safety Advice
Membership Levels
1 步骤:注册

In order to start buying and access all vehicles with pictures and prices, you would need to complete the registration. There are two steps you must follow:
1.Complete the Registration form
2. Validate your account

After submitting the registration form, you will receive a confirmation email with validation link. Click the link in that email to validate your account.
The email validation process is necessary for us to improve the account accuracy.
Please note that you will need to upload a copy of your passport or business license after you place a deposit. Be sure to register in the name that you would like the paperwork completed in.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Helpdesk - help@auctionexport.com

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